Pastor Devon Martinsen - Bethel Pentecostal Church, Barrhead, Alberta
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Hope - a feeling of expectation and desire for something good to happen.
-A person or thing that may help or save someone.
Our hope is in Christ. He will never let us down.
Matthew 14:22-33
Fear is the enemy of hope!
Despair is the complete loss of hope.
Choose at the relationship...
When we focus on the storm around us we will start to sink... Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will key you buyoed up with HOPE!
What are you feeling? Fear? Anxiety??
The moment you realize this, STOP!
Get your eyes back on Jesus!
Stop watching the storm!
"Lord, Save Me!"
Remember, He called you into this so you can trust Him!
"Flailing" - reacting out of panic and fear. Hurting/drowing the people around us who might be trying to help us.
Remember, we all make mistakes. Commit to moving forward together.
Jesus, you are my HOPE!
Find your hope and value in HIM!
*"The enemy doesn't have to destroy you, if he can distract you..." -Craig Groeschel
"God, take my focus off the waves so I can grave your hand"
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