"Uncomfortable Christianity" Pt. 2 | Pastor Devon Martinsen | Oct. 2. 2022
Ephesians 6:13
What is TRUTH? Integrity. Absolute honestly throughout our entirety.
We've all taken offense... BUT if you are a Christian, you gave up your right to be offended!
Remember, we are all just as broken as everyone around us and because we constantly need forgiveness, we constantly need to give forgiveness!
"I'm sorry for my response... for what I did, or how I made you feel..."
("My response is my responsibility")
*Take responsibility...apologize...be vulnerable... then ask if there's anything else... be humble (is there anything else I'm not aware of?) Then keep praying... do what you can do. Accept the fact that we are all human and make the same mistakes as everyone else.
Listen: "God, bring me humility, teach me... Accept that we need it, even if we don't fully see it..."
Click here to watch the full replay of this sermon on our youtube channel.