Rebuild Series - Part 3 - Rev. Mauricio Rabino
Ezekial 2:1 "He said to me, 'Son of man, stand up on your feet and I will speak to you.'"
Nehemiah 2:9-20
"No matter how bad or good things may look, there's always better days ahead."
Rest and prayer -- It's simply by the grace and love of God.
1. Starting off on the right foot... You were meant and created for more - an heir to God's Kingdom. Remember, faith is based on what you don't see.
2. Our Job - Church is meant to support us and equip us to go out and share the 'Good news'.
3. Prepare for Bird Poop! Don't let the poop on your shoulder distract you from the blessings God has in store for you!
Don't let things hold you back from what you could do for God!
Rebuild with God - "Will you rebuild this with me?"