Isaiah Mast - Sunday, August 20, 2023
What would Jesus say if He were to write a letter to Me?
1- Are you Holy as I am Holy?
2- Are you Serving the way I served?
3- Are you holiding on to faith and hope as I have held on to you?
Holy - appears in the bible 625 times!
The Church in Thyatira:
"These are the words of the Son of God whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze..."
*"Correction Sandwich": Encouragement, Correction, Encouragement... this is how Jesus delivered His correction in this letter and this is a good suggestion for us to model our correction of others to help it to be received in the right way and intention...
Tolerate: to allow or put up with...
What are You TOLERATING??
Remember, Sin is Hungry!
Don't be fooled to thing you are in control when it comes to sin...
Recognize your need to be Set FREE by Jesus!
God does not 'tolerate' us... He loves us! He puts sin to death!!
God does not tolerate sin-
Grace is a gift we were given that we don't deserve...
Mercy is not receiving the punishment that we do deserve
Jezebel - represents evil (murder, sexual immorality, idolatry, witchcraft etc...)
*How does Jezebel get into the Church/us?
Remember, Satan disguizes himself as an Angel of Light...
Be Careful: As they say, "Curiousity killed the Cat!" but also... "Curiousity kills the cat And Christians!"
Be careful what you are curious about!!
Sexual Sin: outside of marriage, outside male/female, pornography etc...
*Tolerating this kind of sin let's Jezebel in! (Don't do it!! The repercussions aren't worth it!!)
Satan's Deep Secrets:
' in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes." 2 Corinthians 2:11
*Do not tolerate sin because you know your God is good, Flee from sin because you know your God is Good!"
We can't have 1 foot in the world and the other in the church - don't be Double-Minded!
Raise your standards - Don't tolerate sin-
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
So, what would Jesus say to you if He were to write a letter to you?
What would He say to our Church?